Monday, February 19, 2007

Teatro Luna: S-E-X-Oh!

I had not heard of Teatro Luna before going to the performance this weekend and therefore did not know what to expect. It was quite the change from the art events/lectures. I greatly enjoyed the performance and attended the talk back following the show.

Upon entering the theater I saw life-size posters of 5 naked women (each on an individual poster). I was intrigued by what these meant, but was given clues by the writing on the posters (e.g., “5'1" and not growing” or “no hips”). I think they did a good job of setting the stage, which was that of comedy and serious issues tossed artistically together to inform the audience about a group of women that in the past were not given a voice- that is the Latina population. My favorite pieces were those where each actor would stand alone on stage and a voice over an intercom would talk about the woman (saying several of the things from the poster).

One of the thoughts I had while watching the show was about the actor’s ability to use their space efficiently. They performed a series of skits, but we were able to distinguish the different acting spaces. Also, the involvement of the audience in a few of the skits was done in an interesting way- not direct speech, but as if we were privy to her thoughts. I think that for the most part the show discussed things that many women can relate to, but they added a little of their Latina culture to it. It was a very funny show, with serious moments sprinkled throughout.

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